United Kingdom

international index-ny.html
international boxes-ny.html
international blog-ny.html
international thePitch.html
international updates.html:.....The RECYCLABLE BLOG FILE? What could that be?

Canada -ny
Great Britain -ny
France -ny
Deutschland -ny
Australia -ny
New York City, USA - "The Big Apple"

international https://dckim.com/
https://dckim.net/ FORUM
https://dckim.org/ TUTORIAL
https://dckim.tv/.....soon to be Korean blog oriented?

♻️TheRecycleBLOG♻️ **new

An easy way to write a blog. The reader becomes the writer. All development versions available, as always, no cost, and no strings attached.

Pulogalamu yapakompyuta ya emptyFile tsopano ikupezeka ku United Kingdom of Great Britain ndi Northern Ireland

Pulogalamu yopanda kanthu ya Fayilo simasankha thumba lanu ndipo siyikuba moyo wanu .

tsitsani pulogalamu ya emptyFile

Mukatsitsa pulogalamuyo imakhala yanu, ndipo moyenerera.

Ndipo kwa ine? Kodi msuweni waku Canada ameneyu akukakamira chithandizo chaukadaulo kuti akwaniritse zosowa zanu ndi ndani? Chabwino, icho ndi chinsinsi.

Ndakhumudwa ndi nkhani zomwe zimachokera kuzilumba zanu. Munthu wamangidwa chifukwa cha tweet chabe? Zodabwitsa ndi zosaoneka zimenezo.

Zowoneka bwino, zowoneka bwino.

Osati otchuka, osati chowonadi.

Kumenyetsa chibakera kwa mawu osamva.

Butterkist pazosankha za popcorn.

Tisanayambe kuimba ndi kuvina koopsa:

Tiyeni tikambirane mwachidule wofotokozera. Ma Tweets amaonedwa ngati kufalitsidwa, zolemba za facebook zimatengedwa ngati zofalitsa, zambiri mwamitundu yapa TV yomwe mumadziwa ndipo mukuwoneka kuti mukuyikonda ndi... Ndicho chifukwa chake amatchedwa 'post'. Pali, pazifukwa zina zachilendo kufanana kwa defacto komwe kumakhazikitsidwa m'malamulo omwe amatanthauzira zinthuzo ngati 'kufalitsa'. Kufanana kwenikweni ndi kuyika chizindikiro. Munthu aliyense akhoza kudutsa ndikuwerenga chikwangwanicho, omvera amangochita mopondera kapena 'ambiri'.

Imelo ndiye yankho. Ndi digitonso. Itha kuchitidwanso mozama.

Ndiye bwanji osagwiritsa ntchito imelo mokulirapo ndikufikira mokulirapo pogwiritsa ntchito njirayo?

Chifukwa chake n'chakuti mapulogalamu athu a imelo omwe takhala tikukhala nawo, mwachisawawa, amatha kutumiza maimelo 'amodzi'.

Mindandanda yathu yolumikizirana iyenera kusankhidwa kuchokera m'modzi kuti asonkhanitse imelo imodzi.

Sichoncho ndi emptyFile

Ndi pulogalamu yaying'ono iyi yochokera kwa msuweni wanu waku Canada, wokonda malankhulidwe aulere, mutha kutumiza imelo yotuluka ngati ikuchoka.

Mutha kulemba maimelo amenewo, m'malo mwa mawu osakira, zida ndi kaboodle.

Kodi ndiukadaulo kwambiri komanso zovuta? Ayi, ayi.

Sindikudziwa zomwe mukuganiza kuti pulogalamu yaying'onoyi ili ndi nkhunda, ndi imelo yokhayo. Si.

Pulogalamu ya emptyFile imachita zambiri kuposa kungosonkhanitsa imelo yotuluka, imatha kuchita m'chilankhulo cha wolandila!

Palibe chinsinsi cha momwe izi zimachitikira, ndipo inde, ndi pang'ono 'total-hack'. Msakatuli amamasulira ndipo timangojambula zomasulirazo!.

Anatinso: "Msakatuli amamasulira, ndipo timangojambula zomasulirazo"

Inde, nzoona...loleni izo zilowe mkati

Pano pali cholozera pang'ono pa madera ndi zilankhulo.

This next bit applies best to locales, just like Great Britain, where we have a high proportion of the population whose first language is not the common language of the place where they live or work. How do you think the mobile telephone of such a person is set up?

Here is my suspicion:

People are setting the language of their mobile phones to their prefered language but, they are not usually setting the locale

The result of this is a 'niche'

That is where the next thing comes in. This emptyFile program can also be used to assemble websites. It can capture the browser translations, as it operates completely within the browser, and it can then save webpages in different languages. There you have accessed the niche. If this is done thoroughly, we then have 'niche' assembly.

When a person is searching for something using their language and they are in a locale where their language is a niche, the information that they will first be whatever is within that locale and written in that language. So, the advantage is clear. The search engines do not translate the search terms before conducting the search.

Looking to the future

It may be best, looking forward, that we should have a more effective system of expressing ourselves where we are the managers over our own communications. It would be best if we each had our own email lists of friends, those communications are private. It would also be for the best if we would just each have our own website, that would be publication.

The tech companies have just made it so easy to publish any little thought that we have, and yes, authorities are trolling those thoughts programmatically and then subsequently jailing 'perpetrators'. It's farcical. Just get the emptyFile program, start setting the groundwork for more extensive private email communication, and also for personal private publication through self managed websites.

Again: "The emptyFile program costs nothing and becomes your personal property."

It needs to be that way, that is the only possible arrangement in order that you will become the exclusive owner over your own communications and retain all of the associated rights.

If you are finding this website, you should account this speil about niche languages and locales as accurate.

Now... instead of troubling myself to write an entirely new website, I will simply provide a linkage back to the main domain. This one has been set up to be specific to your locale. If you would, just download the program, have a gander, and know that this entire writing has only been for the sake of indexing at the search engine monopoly.

download the emptyFile program

picture with text in-language